Sunday, April 13, 2014

It never amazes me the newest scams on the internet. Apparently, the purveyors of Napster aren’t satisfied with their scamming of the music and video industry, they have new targets. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating the operators of JERK.COM. The operators are scraping data from Facebook, including user names and pictures, and posting the information on the website, along with the moniker JERK or NOT A JERK. Those with the Jerk moniker can pay $30.00 to have the classification revised. has collected more than 73 million names of Facebook subscribers. What is particularly disturbing to the FTC is that some subscribers didn’t give permission and still found the picture on with the moniker “Jerk” attached. When they paid the $30 to have it removed, the moniker remained. Can’t the operators find a more moral endeavor and not resort to underhandedness? took advantage of Facebook’s corporate apps program that allows some gleaning of information. The FTC claims that site abused the system and processes when they collected posted information intended to be private and includes some intimate images, such as a mother breast feeding her baby. Of course the attorney claims the FC is barking up the wrong tree. All this just goes to show that people will make money from any means that is possible.

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