Monday, July 18, 2011

The ongoing Saga - Pentagon vs. the Cyber

In the ongoing saga of the Pentagon and Cyber War, the Pentagon declared the Internet a war domain.  Just think, the 8 year Johnny or Susie logging on to his Macintosh to download Pond Puppies could somehow be caught up in a war zone and may have his computer taken over by the Pentagon and recruited as a bot.  Internet bots, also known as web robots, WWW robots or simply bots, are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet.  The largest use of bots is in web spidering, in which an automated script fetches, analyzes and files information from web servers at many times the speed of a human.  Many organizations, large and small rely on the internet to function, including the State and Federal governments, large corporations, and small businesses.  The Pentagon is claiming that the bad guys are taking war to the Cyber and that they have no choice.  The Pentagon plans to focus on three areas in their Cyber War plans – the theft or exploitation of data; attacks of US military networks (how they can differentiate between military and civilian, I’ll never know) and the destruction or degradation of networks.  The plans do not specifically differentiate between those of the US or others.   One of the obstacles facing the US military is that many components used in the US internet infrastructure are designed, manufactured and assembled overseas.  As part of their strategy, the Pentagon is adopting the Cyber as a medium in which wars can be fought, much like the ground, air and water is used for fighting wars.

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