Monday, July 11, 2011

Organized Crime and the Cyber

Organized crime syndicates are organizing for an attack on the cyber world.  The US Secret Service, has successfully investigated and prosecuted numerous of the largest cybercriminal cases in the US.  In 2010 alone, the USSS arrested over 1200 suspects for some form of cybercrime totaling over $500 million in actual loss and prevention of over $7 billion in losses.  According to the 2011 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, cybercriminals are primarily interested in point-of-sale systems, performing account takeovers, and Automated Clearing House transaction fraud.  Many of these criminals originate from Eastern Europe.  As a result, the USSS and other agencies are teaming up with their counterparts in Romania, Germany, Turkey and elsewhere.  Romania, it appears, is the hotbed of most cybercrime.  Romanian legal forces are marshaled to take down the international organized crime organizations.  The Russians too are getting involved.  Some Russian agents are being trained in the US in the hopes of becoming as affective as the Romanians become.  In addition, cybercrime in Eastern Europe will be met with an increase in penalties.

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