Sunday, June 19, 2011

Evolution of Cyber Crime

In the beginning, cyber security issues began as purchasers of software attempted and succeeded at breaking the anti-copy seal of software.  Software was purchased by a single individual and then boot leg copies were made and distributed to friends and relatives.  Software developers made several attempts to create a “seal” that would prevent copying the software, only have someone, somewhere break the code nd distribute the software freely for use by non-purchasers.  The difficulty to break the seal became ever increasingly more difficult as time wore on.  Nowadays, software is protected by a “key” which consists of several apparently randomly generated alpha-numeric key codes which will unlock the software for use. 

With the advent of the internet, cracking of computer related security became the domain of teenagers trying to outsmart the establishment’s security efforts.  This new wave of hacking has evolved to the breaking in and theft of much more valuable resources than locks and keys.  Hacking has developed into a multi-billion dollar crime venture.  While some of these ventures remain rather benign, the worse are a malignant sore for those who rely on the internet to conduct daily business.

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