Monday, June 27, 2011

Pentgon is Reading this Blog

The Pentagon must be reading my blog.  Interestingly enough, the Pentagon is back-pedaling on its threshold for declaring war due to cyber-attacks.  According to CBS News, the U.S. military may never have a direct answer on when to fire back against a computer-based attack.  The Pentagon is developing different scenarios for its cyber war plans.  These scenarios are intended to define the rules of war as they apply to cyber war.  The scenarios do include launching attacks from unknowing civilian computers attacking civilian computers.  Critics of the Pentagon argue that it is not progressing fast enough in determining what constitutes a cyber-attack.  Pentagon spokesperson reminds these critics that the US is constantly being barraged with attacks from countries such as China.  However, much of what the US is doing to protect its cyber infrastructure remains secret and, therefore, is not open to the public.  The Pentagon did express that retaliation to cyber-attacks would most likely be in kind.  In other words, the US intends to fight fire with fire.

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