Friday, June 3, 2011

Learning Something New

If you want to learn something new, read an old book.  A British Member of Parliament (MP) is likening internet security to the imposition of highway and roadway traffic laws.  A hundred years ago, with the advent of the automobile, Americans were given the freedom to explore and travel beyond the norms of their times.  But with this new freedom came a responsibilities that needed to be learned through the automobile accident.  As a result, rules of the road were developed, Stop signs, traffic lights, speed limits and other traffic control measures.  The PM is linking this evolution with the recently found freedoms that internet travel is allowing people’s all over the world.  New rules will need to be devised to assure personal safety whilst traveling through the internet.  The PM argues new regulations are needed while assuring that Big Brother is not interjecting himself into our private lives.

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