Monday, June 13, 2011

War Over Cyber Security?

Another apparently significant breach of information security was reported this week.  The International Monetary Fund was hacked with some files being transferred by unknown parties.  However, an identified security expert indicated the hackers were believed to be connected to an unspecified government.  In addition, this week, a Fox News story reports that the US Pentagon indicates that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war.  The news story raises several questions.  For example, can an otherwise anonymous person, masquerading as a foreign government agent hack into the US governments computers, commit sabotage, and cause a war?  Alternatively, can a foreign government agent, posing as an anonymous civilian hacker, do the same with the same results?  What are the retaliation options for the US government? 

The hacking of the IMF can be viewed as vandalism, theft or international sabotage.  Response to such actions require thorough investigation resulting in a conclusion that is “beyond a reasonable doubt” before any kind of retaliation is conducted.  The practice of warfare has evolved over the centuries, and as with the war on terrorism, the war on cyber security will require new defenses, tactics and weapons.

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